We have the following general civil engineering training courses running in November and December 2014:
Professional Review Courses
The ICE Professional Review – Preparing for the Written Exercise: Chesterfield, 8 December – this course will guide delegates through the requirements for the written exercise, and discuss / provide practical tips on how to prepare for them and how to write your submission; this course costs £220 + VAT and will be taught by an experienced ICE reviewer and SCE
Courses for Managers & Designers
Ground Risk Management for Managers: Chesterfield, 3 November – the course will help delegates develop an understanding of how ground risk can be managed to enhance project success, and is suitable for structural engineers, architects and non-geotechnical specialists managing projects that involve ground risk; taught from a non-technical perspective, it will focus on providing practical guidance and costs £220 + VAT
Sustainable Development – Principles & Practice: Chesterfield, 24 November – the focus of this course is understanding how sustainability can be implemented effectively in projects; it will look at what is sustainable development and how it can be measured before focusing on the use of case studies to explore best practice and examine some of the practical steps that can be adopted; the course costs just £220 + VAT
If you require any additional information before making a booking on any course, please contact us at